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Added February 11, 2024
Hits: 56
Advert ID: 36337


Dear Friend,
Believe me when I say this: Our paths were destined to cross and you are meant to read this letter. I will soon channel with your spirit, and this is good because I believe you need my help! +27672740459, [email protected]
You may have heard of me. My name is Baba Kagolo and I am an internationally known psychic channeler.
For over fifteen years I have used my psychic powers to help some of the most successful people in the world. From CEOs of large corporations to some of the biggest names in the entertainment field, I have helped many of them achieve their goals of wealth, fame, and happiness.
I have found that these remarkable people have many things in common, but one thing in particular stands out: They never miss an opportunity to increase their chances of success, especially when it involves money! Every one of them looks for a new angle, an advantage, an edge–and they are willing to try something new if it will make their lives better, easier, richer.
You should ask yourself this question. Why should the rich and famous be the only ones allowed to get that extra boost, that extra assistance that allows them to rise above the others?
Why, indeed.
I believe in fate, and I believe our spirits were drawn to one another. Soon, I will channel with your spirit and will know so much about you — your triumphs, your successes, and also your disappointments and regrets. I will also know exactly what your problems are, what you want, what you need.
First of all, we have to change your luck, then we have to bring about a dramatic increase in your bank account.
Close your eyes for a moment… Can you feel my presence? We are together, you and I. We are in direct contact at this very moment. You may even feel we are in the same room.
I know what you are thinking. In your heart, you know what I am saying is true. You may not be as secure as you’d like to be. My feeling is that you were drawn to my words for two reasons: You need money, and you are not receiving the love and affection you truly need.
And at this moment in time, I may be the only person who can help you!
I possess two unique gifts. The first allows me to channel with a person’s spirit. This is why you feel a connection with me right now, even from such a distance.
My second gift should be of particular importance to you. I can meditate on behalf of my clients and help make their dreams come true! I can do this for you, my friend. This is why you cannot take your eyes off this letter. We have forged a bond with one another. You feel it. So do I.
Since you have read this far, I see that your life is probably being held in check. You feel the restraint. It is as if you are being held back in chains by an unseen force. This counterforce has been your nemesis for some time. As a result, you are not enjoying the fruits of life–the riches in money, love, and friendship.
So, what can we do about all this?
This counterforce–or spirit–must be removed from your life as soon as possible! If you haven’t realized it already, I must tell you–its powers are increasing!

This is what I want to do for you: [email protected], +27672740459
I will cast a spell for you. Then I could remove the obstruction blocking you, working against you. This counterforce is very powerful, and gaining in strength each day! It is a force to be reckoned with. And once I remove this obstacle, nothing will stand between you and good fortune.

Price: R 35.00

Phone: 0633562406 show

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